2 Ways to Get More Life Out of Your Rolling Camera Case

Here are 2 easy ways to get more life out of your rolling camera case/bag. 

1) The zipper should close easily. Avoid packing the case the way you might stuff everything into a vacation suitcase. Place taller items in the center of the case. 


While most items in your case can be replaced under the warranty, the zipper cannot be replaced because it was sewn into the bag. 

2) When you approach a curb while pulling your case, pick it up by the handle on top of the bag instead of the extended handle. 


The handle that extends out of the case is not made to lift the weight of the gear that's inside of it. 

Follow these tips and your rolling bag/case will last much, much longer. 

©Copyright. The Light Curve

Travis Bell

Photographer | Publisher | Historian


  1. Thank you for this! Just invested in a Think Tank rolling case.

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